Cherry tomatoes from Afeltra are harvested at the peak of ripeness and they are delicious crushed into a sauce or added whole to your favorite dish.nnIngredients: Cherry tomatoes, Tomato juice.nnDirections: Pour the tomatoes into a saucepan, then stir and cook for about 5-10 minutes. nAfter opening, store in the refrigerator and eat within 3-4 days since the product does not have any preservaties.nnCompany History: nAfeltra was founded in 1848 and is located in the heart of Gragnano. Gragnano, the pasta capital, also has a long tradition of growing ripe tomatoes. Its century of experience with pasta has allowed Afeltra to create a line of extraordinary canned tomatoes so you can make your own sauces. Afeltra company carefully removes the tomato skin with steam and then immerses the peeled tomatoes in a delicious, velvety passata without any additives or preservatives and is canned to preserve their freshness.