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House-Made Dog Food (Quart)

$10.00 each

National shipping available

Ships Mon-Wed via 2-Day or faster.
Order by 12am (EST) for Next Day Shipping.

Our dog food was developed in partnership with canine specialist Stacy Alldredge, founder of Who's Walking Who, based in New York City.
The combination of Stacy's expertise as a canine nutritionist for 20 years and Dickson's locally and naturally raised meat has produced a healthy and delicious recipe for our best friends. We make all of our dog food with the same meats sold in our Chelsea Market butcher shop and fresh produce. All of the cooking, grinding and packaging takes place at the butcher shop.
Each package is approximately 2 lbs of food, enough for 2 meals for a 50lb dog (assuming 2 meals per day)
For More on Who’s Walking Who & Stacy Alldredge :

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