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Lattebusch Piave Vecchio Blue Label Cheese

$21.99 per lb
$17.59 per lb *

*Estimated item price. Final price based on weight.

The most famous cheese from the Belluno province in Northeastern Italy and called after the river of the same name, Piave DOP is a hard cheese that is produced following traditional methods, using pasteurised cow's milk. This cheese has a sweet and intense flavor which becomes more pronounced as it ages.This Mezzano (medium aged) cheese boasts a slightly thicker rind with a pale yellow inside. Enjoy as part of an antipasto platter with cured meats, grissini, and glass of white wine. Agriform is a cooperative that selects and sources the best Italian cheeses, partnering with some of the most important dairy cooperatives of the Northeastern part of Italy. The cheeses selected by Agriform from its dairy partners are made using milk from specific Italian territories, collected by thousands of member farmers.

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